Aquaculture has grown tremendously over the last 25 years, especially the production of catfish in the delta region of Mississippi. With the growth in aquaculture has come a corresponding increase in predation by fish-eating birds on aquaculture stocks. To address these bird problems USDA-APHIS conducts research into ecology, management, economics and dynamics of birds and aquaculture. Biologists working for USDA-APHIS conduct studies with both captive and free-ranging birds to determine the extent of fish-eating bird damage; the local and regional population status of fish-eating birds; and effective control methods.

The goal this research is not centered on the development of a single method as a panacea for all damage problems, because none is likely to be cost-effective in all situations. Instead, the continuing emphasis is on developing a number of alternative strategies that can be integrated into a comprehensive management plan for cost-effective reductions in fish-eating bird damage to aquaculture.

PROJECT GOAL: Develop an understanding of the economic impacts of damage inflicted on aquaculture production systems by cormorants, pelicans, wading birds, and waterfowl and develop tools and techniques for reducing that damage.

Find out more information through the dedicated project website.